"Honduras", Bobby Hulme-Lippert, Pastor
Prayer for Illumination
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 66:1-9
New Testament Reading: Luke 10:1-12
Sermon: "Honduras" Bobby Hulme-Lippert
"To the Future!", Christopher Tweel, Director of Christian Formation & Pastoral Assistant
Prayer for Illumination: Christopher Tweel, Director of Christian Formation and Pastoral Assistant
Old Testament Reading: Daniel 1:1-20
New Testament Reading: John 16:1-11, Sermon:...
"What Are You Looking For?", Reverend H. Carson Rhyne
Prayer for Illumination: Christopher Tweel
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 148
New Testament Reading: Luke 2:41-52, Reverend H. Carson Rhyne
Sermon: "What Are You Looking For?,...
"Holy Reversals", Bobby Hulme-Lippert, Pastor
Prayer for Illumination: Bobby Hulme-Lippert
Old Testament Reading: Micah 5:2-5a
New Testament Reading: Luke 1:39-56
Sermon: "Holy Reversals" Bobby Hulme-Lippert
"The Bells of Christmas", Bobby Hulme-Lippert, Pastor
Prayer for Illumination: Bobby Hulme-Lippert
Old Testament Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-20
New Testament Reading: Phlippians 4:4-7
Sermon: "The Bells of Christmas"