Message from the Pastor

On behalf of our community, I want to welcome you to Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church.  I hope this website proves helpful in your learning more about our mission and ministries.  We hope, too, that you will join us in worship on Sunday morning and learn first-hand who we are and how God is at work among us.  If you have an infant or young child, you may be interested in learning more about our Child Development Center and our growing children's ministry.

We celebrated our centennial anniversary in 2015, remembering the many ways  God has been abundantly faithful for the first 100 years, and we look forward to all that God has for us in the next 100 years!  Recently, our leadership adopted a Mission Study which articulates some of the ways in which we sense God currently leading.  In particular, the Study names our current mission: to train grateful disciples of Jesus Christ who are doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. 

Whether you are a long-time Christian or simply asking questions about the Christian faith, we look forward to meeting you.  Know that you are always welcome to join us in worship, mission, and ministry.  If you have any questions or would like more details, please do not hesitate to contact me (

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bobby