“Jesus’ Prayer for Us” Bobby Hulme-Lippert
PRELUDE: Abenlied (Evening Song) (Josef Rheinberger, 1839-1901) by Christine Anderson, violin
†CALL TO WORSHIP: Charles Holmes (Ruling Elder)
JUNIOR CHOIR: A Mother’s Day Prayer (Patti Drennan)
PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION: Charles Holmes (Ruling Elder)
OLD TESTAMENT READING: Psalm 97 (Holy Bible, p. 540)
NEW TESTAMENT READING: John 17:20-26 (Holy Bible, pp. 987-988)
SERMON: “Jesus’ Prayer for Us” Bobby Hulme-Lippert
(Instead of the Apostle’s Creed) The Belhar Confession: Bobby Hulme-Lippert (with congregation)
(Instead of the Prayers of the People) A Litany for Mothers’ Day: Bobby Hulme-Lippert (with congregation)
ANTHEM: All Things Bright and Beautiful (John Rutter, b. 1945) by Combined Junior and Chancel Choirs
†POSTLUDE: Now Thank We All Our God (Cantata No. 79) (J.S. Bach/Virgil Fox)